Each police district has an officer who is responsible for contacting victims of crimes who may be eligible for Victim’s Compensation or may be in need of further police support. The Victim Assistance Officers in South Philadelphia work closely with VWSSP to meet the needs of victims and witnesses to crime.
The Crime Prevention Officers assigned to your district can assist you in reducing your chances of becoming a crime victim by teaching you some basics on crime prevention. Your district’s Police Community Relations Officer can put you in touch with a Town Watch in your neighborhood or help you set one up.
Victim Assistance Officers, Crime
Prevention Officers and Community Relations Officers can be reached for more information by calling one of the following numbers:
1st District …………. 215-686-3017
24th & Wolf Streets
3rd District ……..... 215-685-1675
11th & Wharton Streets
17th District …...… 215-685-1747
20th & Federal Streets
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